Literary & Query Services

A great query/pitch grabs attention, reveals commercial viability, and leaves an agent hungry for more. That's a lot to ask of one email, and because writing a book and pitching one are two VERY different skill sets, most writers struggle with it. So... 

Are you willing to sign with an agent that doesn't share the vision for your story?
Will you give up on getting your story published?
Are you confident in querying your story without concrete strategy and direction?

No! You're committed to your story!

As a marketing professional and commercial fiction writer, I understand the power of words. Over the last decade, I've helped small businesses clarify their brand identity and gain national recognition and awards, received multiple offers of agent representation for my debut novel, and helped countless other writers do the same. What do these things share, aside from their success? Brilliant query letters and pitches.

What makes The Deckle unique and effective?

Unlike traditional query services on gig sites, group webinars, or workshops, I deep dive into opening pages, story outlines, and work one-on-one with writers to identify the most unique and sellable aspects of their story and highlight them to get their query read and manuscript requested. Once done, writers walk away with a captivating pitch, punchy log line, effective comps, and a query letter that will get you plucked from the slush pile.

Do I need a completed manuscript?

No, a fully completed manuscript is not required prior to booking. In fact, many of the writers I have helped have only begun the outlining process of their projects. I am a firm believer that whether you are a pantser or plotter, knowing the key pieces of your story and writing your pitch before beginning drafting can help guide you along the way to writing a highly sought after story.

Why trust me?

Not only am I a writer who has successfully navigated the query trenches by receiving multiple offers of representation before signing with my agent, but I also have a proven track record of helping others do the same. With decades of experience in business and marketing, I have years of pitching experience in my tool belt and I am uniquely situated to help others see and focus on the most commercially appealing pieces of their story to get them read.

What are people saying?

"Booking Jamie is the easiest decision you’ll make in this process. If you're looking for a champion, Jamie is it. Her strategic eye, industry insight, and passion for craft will shape and hone your beloved work to peak desirability, all while respecting your vision. And on top of all that, she's a whole lot of fun to work with! Don't think, just book!" -Stephanie B

“Jamie has a real natural affinity for storytelling. In terms of god given talent and x-factor she has that in spades.” - Cate Hogan, Washington Post & USA Today Bestselling Developmental Book Editor

When do new spots open?

Due to my writing schedule, I open up very limited query service spots each month and they sell out quickly. Please follow me on Instagram at @jamiekennyclark and keep an eye on my IG Stories to be notified when future spots are opened. 


Please click on the 'Book a Service' tab to read more or book your session.